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Hair Transplant, Liposuction, Laser & Cosmetic Surgery in Pakistan

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Lasers can be used to treat hair loss in certain types of hair disorders causing hair loss. One of the most studied lasers for the treatment of hair loss is the Mosaic laser. It is the same laser which is used to treat acne scars, but at different settings it produces laser waves that penetrate into the root of the hair and stimulate their growth. a lot of research is being carried out in this regards and various laser companies are researching this exciting area of hair regrowth. After assessing the cause of your hair loss, our doctors will determine if you are a candidate for treatment with Mosaic laser or not.
Laser treatment for hair loss is a pin free treatment and takes only a few minutes to perform. You may need several treatments before seeing considerable improvement. Please be aware of the fact that laser treatment is not conclusively shown to be the treatment of choice in male pattern baldness or alopecia androgenetica, or in any inflammatory disease like alopecia areata or fungal diseases causing hair loss. Similarly, hair loss caused by any underlying medical condition, should first be evaluated properly before resorting to a less well established therapy like laser in this particular situation. It is, therefore, imperative that a proper diagnosis be established prior to starting the laser.
Cosmetique is headed by Prof. Dr. Azim Jahangir Khan, who is board certified by American Board of Dermatology and specializes in the laser treatment of various skin disorders including hair loss.

What is hair loss?

Hair loss, commonly also known as Alopecia, is the loss of hair from the body gradually or suddenly. It can affect either just your scalp or your entire body. Moreover, this condition can be temporary or permanent. There are many reasons for it. Some of them are
• Hormonal changes
• Result of heredity
• The regular part of aging.
• Medical conditions
• Stress, and many more.

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Hair Loss Treatment

Moreover, it may happen in both males and females, but it is more common in men. Fortunately, depending on the root cause, there are many effective hair loss treatments in Lahore Pakistan. If you face hair loss issues, you should visit a certified dermatologist to get an accurate diagnosis. The best dermatologists in Lahore, Pakistan, serving at the Cosmetique clinic first figure out the root cause and then suggest the appropriate treatment according to your condition.

Different Types of Hair Loss

Generally, there are three significant types of hair loss
1. Anagen Effluvium
That is usually caused by a few medications that slowly poison a growing hair follicle, like those given in chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
2. Telogen Effluvium
An increased count of hair follicles generally causes that kind of hair loss up till reaching the telogen phase. That is the phase where the hairs even fall out even from the roots. Surely that needs a proper hair loss treatment. Moreover, it is most commonly caused by extreme physical or emotional stress and also from abnormal thyroid function.
3.Androgenetic alopecia/ Female pattern hair loss (FPHL)/ Baldness/ Female pattern alopecia
That is the most common hair loss primarily occurring in females due to hormonal imbalance. The hair strands start thinning over the head’s top and then from the sides in such a condition. Some most common causes of this kind of hair loss include genetic defects, aging, and menopause.

Symptoms of Hair Loss

Hair loss is always related to the primary cause of it. Once the doctor finds the right reason, it is easy to handle it properly. However, given below are some of the significant symptoms of hair loss:
a) Full-body hair loss.
b) Patches of scaling spread over the scalp.
c) Gradual thinning on top of the head.
d) Sudden loosening of hair.
e) Circular or patchy bald spots, and many more.

Causes of Hair Loss Issues

In general, most people lose 50 to 100 hair a day roughly. That is a routine, and it does not affect a person’s personality because, with falling hairs, new hairs are also growing simultaneously at the same rates. But the problem occurs when hair fall is continuous and much more than new growth of hairs. Most hair loss problems are a result of the following factors:
a) Family history (heredity).
b) A very stressful event.
c) Improper sleeping schedule
d) Medications and supplements.
e) Hormonal changes and medical conditions.
f) Hairstyles and treatments.
g) Radiation therapy to the head, and many more.

When to see the best dermatologists in Lahore, Pakistan, for hair loss?

If you find bald spots on your skin or scalp, your part of the hair is widening, you are experiencing more than 125 hairs per day; then these are all the symptoms that you are suffering from hair loss. That is the time when you should visit a reliable dermatologist. There are various types of hair loss and also many causes of it. Although you cannot prevent hair loss by yourself, you might respond to hair loss treatment if you consult a Cosmetique clinic dermatologist as soon as possible.

Hair Loss Prevention

A famous quote, “Prevention is better than cure.” Thus, hair loss prevention is one of the best approaches one can take to manage this health condition. In a few cases, people can prevent or even slow down the loss of hairs from their scalp and body by taking some hair loss treatments. But that is not always possible, especially when it is a matter of genes.
However, some standard prevention methods generally include the following:
a) Start eating a balanced diet
b) Use combs that have more expansive spaces between the bristles
c) Avoid making tough hairstyles and taking harsh hair treatments
d) Refrain from twisting or pulling hairs
e) If possible, switch medications in order to avoid the hair loss side effect.
Nevertheless, you need to remember that not all hair loss types are the same and can be equally slowed down or prevented. That significantly depends on the underlying cause of it.

Diagnosis before hair loss treatment

The best skin specialists in Lahore, Pakistan, first do a physical exam and ask you about your diet and hair care daily routine. In addition, they also take your medical and family history before making a diagnosis. They can also take some tests of you to figure out the right cause; like they may conduct your 1.Blood Test That might help uncover medical conditions that can cause hair loss frequently.
2.Pull Test Your doctor gently pulls several dozen hairs at a time to see how many come out. That helps them in deciding the stage of the shedding process.
3.Scalp Biopsy In this process, your doctor scrapes samples from the skin or a few hairs plucked from the scalp to examine the hair roots carefully under a microscope. After reviewing thoroughly, he determines whether an infection is causing hair loss or not.
4.Light Microscopy Your doctor may make use of a particular instrument of light microscopy to examine hairs trimmed at their bases. Microscopy helps uncover possible disorders or any infections of the hair shaft.

Popular Hair loss treatment Procedures in Lahore, Pakistan

There are many effective treatments available for hair loss all over the world. You might be able to reverse the hair loss process or at least slow it down with these treatments. Somehow hair loss can be controlled to some extent by medications, but in most cases, proper treatment is essential. Some popular treatments for hair loss available at reliable skin centers of Pakistan, like at the Cosmetique clinic, are given as follows: Medication Treating that condition is necessary if you are suffering from hair loss by an underlying disease or infection. If any specific medication is causing hair loss, your doctor will suggest you stop using it for some time. Some medicines are also very effective in treating male pattern baldness; those include
• Minoxidil (Rogaine)
• Finasteride (Propecia)
In addition, some orally used medications include
• Spironolactone (Carospir, Aldactone)
• Oral dutasteride (Avodart)

Effective Hair Loss Treatments

A) Injection of corticosteroids The best dermatologists in Lahore, Pakistan, inject this medication into the bald areas of your scalp. That significantly helps your hair to regrow. In addition, these injections are mostly given every 4 to 8 weeks according to the requirements of a patient. So, for this treatment, you have to visit your doctor’s clinic every few weeks. Corticosteroid injections are primarily considered the most effective treatment for people with few patches of Alopecia Areata. Research on 127 people showed that more than 80% of patients with patchy alopecia areata treated with these injections had at least half of hair regrowth. And that was done only within 12 weeks of hair loss treatment.
B) Laser Combs Those are a newer form of treatment for hair loss. Several hair advocates claim that such devices gradually promote hair growth by utilizing concentrated light to stimulate hair follicles. People can expect that these hair combs have mixed results and give reliable results when combined with other hair loss treatments. In 2014, a study examined the low-level laser therapy effects in almost 32 men and women suffering from alopecia. Most researchers figured out that the laser combs, when combined with finasteride and minoxidil, may greatly help stimulate hair growth.
C)Hair transplant If your dermatologist may recommend hair transplant surgery if medications do not work well on you and you have an area of thinning or balding due to male or female pattern baldness. That hair loss treatment can be a permanent and effective way of getting rid of it. The two most popular hair transplants in Lahore, Pakistan, are a) Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) b) Follicular unit extraction (FUE).
D) Laser Therapy
If it is difficult for you to use minoxidil every day or take medicines regularly to treat hair loss, there is another solution for you: laser therapy. Laser therapy effectively works on • Hair loss due to chemotherapy process
• After a hair transplant, it stimulates healing and hair growth
• Hereditary hair loss
• Alopecia areata
In addition, according to researches, laser therapy is a very safe and effective hair loss treatment. It is a painless method. However, this treatment needs some patience to see results as you may need many sessions of laser treatment for many months to see a bit of hair growth.
E)Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)
Hair Loss Treatment That is also a very effective and safe procedure for hair loss. PRP involves a process in which a small amount of blood is taken from your body; then, this blood is placed into a machine that separates its different components into separate layers and parts. Then after separating the plasma of your blood taken from that machine is later injected into the area suffering from hair loss. The whole process takes about 10 minutes and does not need any downtime. It usually takes three to six months to have proper hair growth through this treatment.


OTC and some home remedies may work to some extent, but they are not for everyone. So, it’s better to consult with the best dermatologists in Lahore, Pakistan. They figure out the exact cause of hair loss in you and suggest the proper treatment accordingly.

Sometimes OTC, prescription medications, and home remedies prove effective for some individuals, but their results are not the same for everyone. For example, Rogaine only works on people with heredity baldness issues, especially at the back of the head, just under the crown. At the same time, hair transplants are very effective than OTC products but do not prove effective if your hair loss is due to chemo or any medications.

Mostly it depends on the treatment you are taking. If you are taking OTC or prescribed medicines like Propecia or Rogaine, you will have to continue them for long to get the desired results. And if you stop consuming them, their effect will also stop at that stage.

The most effective way of getting permanent hair is hair implants. However, you may need to take multiple implanting sessions on your scalp according to your hair goals.

Key Takeaways

Nowadays, there are several causes of hair loss in both men and women, including scalp skin disorders and genetic reasons. While everyone can’t prevent hair loss, people can still make an effort to slow down or even stop hair loss by taking different medications such as finasteride and minoxidil. In addition, they may also utilize some over-the-counter products for hair like laser combs.
However, in all cases of unusual hair loss, people should consult the best dermatologists in Lahore, Pakistan, if they are worried about this problem or if their hair fall rate is much greater than their hair regrowing rate. A healthcare professional or reliable skin specialist may take several tests and ask numerous questions to figure out the exact cause of hair loss in your and hen suggest the appropriate treatment.
Likewise, the different types of causes, there are various hair loss treatments in Lahore Pakistan. These include home remedies, hair implants, OTC, and prescription medications. But before taking any treatment, first, consult the Cosmetique clinic doctors to know the exact cause of your hair fall and get the best treatment according to it.